Fueling the future with JLA hydrogen loading arms

In recent years, hydrogen has emerged as a promising alternative fuel, set to play a crucial role in the global shift towards cleaner energy. Its applications span across various industries, with particularly significant impact on the petrochemical industry.


At JLA, innovation is at our core. With the introduction of our latest Liquid Hydrogen Marine Loading Arm (LH2-MLA), we position ourselves at the forefront of the development of the technology to facilitate the energy transition to hydrogen.

The role of loading arms in hydrogen transfer

Hydrogen is not a new product; however, it is increasingly being used as a green alternative to traditional energy sources. While the production and use of hydrogen are relatively straightforward, the supply chain for transporting bigger volumes of hydrogen from supplier to consumer is not yet fully developed, leading to various challenges.

However, at JLA, we have taken the first step in optimizing the supply chain by designing loading arms that enable higher volume transfer of hydrogen between storage facilities and Hydrogen Cargo Carriers.


Hydrogen has unique properties, such as its low boiling point and high diffusivity, necessitate innovative loading arm designs that meet specific requirements to ensure the highest safety and efficiency. Hydrogen loading arms must be equipped with advanced sealing technologies to prevent leaks and must be constructed from materials that can withstand liquified hydrogen’s low temperatures.


One example of such technology is the cryogenic loading arm, which is specifically designed for handling extremely low-temperature products like hydrogen. These arms ensure that hydrogen remains in its liquid state during transfer, minimizing the risk of evaporation and maintaining the efficiency of the operation.

JLA hydrogen loading arms

The JLA innovative Liquid Hydrogen MLA enables the loading and unloading of larger Liquid Hydrogen carriers that are entering the market in the nearby future. With delivering this crucial component JLA aims to optimize the supply chain and accelerate the energy transition.


Our expert team has years of experience with designing and building MLAs for cryogenic applications. This enabled us to develop the MLA for liquid hydrogen. Featuring highly specialized swivel joints that in combination with vacuum insulated piping.

The technical specifications of this revolutionary LH2-MLA include:

  • A 12” product pipe and 16” outer vacuum pipe
  • A design temperature of -254 °C
  • A compact balanced design
  • A high flow rate capacity of up to 3000m3/hr

The JLA innovative Liquid Hydrogen MLA enables the loading and unloading of larger Liquid Hydrogen carriers that are entering the market in the nearby future. With delivering this crucial component JLA aims to optimize the supply chain and accelerate the energy transition.

Are you ready to revolutionize your hydrogen logistics with the Hydrogen LH2-MLA?


Reach out to Mart van Cleemputte at m.vancleemputte@jdejonge.com for more information. Our dedicated sales team is ready to answer all your questions.

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